The Big Hollywood Weight Loss Miracles

Published on 03/31/2020

Rachael Ray

Celebrity chef Rachael Ray has been wowing fans with her skills in the kitchen and now she’s an inspiration to those seeking to lose weight. In 2009, Ray had to undergo throat surgery to remove a cyst and that was a huge wake-up call for her. She began to exercise, usually running, six days a week and stuck to a Mediterranean diet.

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Rachael Ray


Rick Ross

Rapper Rick Ross says the key to his weight loss was all about finding balance. “It’s all about the balance to me,” he told ABC News. “I wanted to balance myself but still enjoy the things I love so if I lost weight one year, the next year it wouldn’t be right back on me.” Ross works out regularly, eats healthy, but also indulges in some of his favorite foods.

Rick Ross

Rick Ross