Young Couple Go Viral After Weight Loss Transformation

Published on 04/08/2018

Taking On The Challenge Together

Lexi Reed was only 25 years old and she weighted an incredible 485 pounds. Her husband, Danny, weighed 280 pounds, and it seemed their weight gain was nowhere near a stop. So many daily activities became difficult tasks, like riding a bicycle or even just going for a walk. After their first wedding anniversary in 2016, the couple decided that it was time for a life change.

Taking On The Challenge Together

Taking On The Challenge Together


Enabing One Another

The couple started dating in 2007, and without realizing it, they did very little stop each-other from overeating. In fact, they were actually just enabling each-others’ bad eating habits. They ate out at restaurants all the time, or ordered take-outs and lounged on the sofa while they watched TV. Whatever weight they managed to lose, quickly came back on.

Enabing One Another

Enabing One Another