Young Couple Go Viral After Weight Loss Transformation

Published on 04/08/2018

Straining The Relationship

Before their lifestyle change, the two were becoming more and more distant from each-other. Even though they were sitting together, eating take-outs and watching TV, they weren’t engaging with one-another. Lexi explained it best, “We would spend so many nights, eating and watching Netflix and not talking.”

Straining The Relationship

Straining The Relationship


No Knowledge, Just Will

It takes a huge decision to do what they did, but when you feel your life is on the line, you can do anything. Lexi said, “I just decided enough was enough. I was ready to change my life. I decided I was going to work hard for it every single day. I didn’t have a trainer or meal plan.” She went on, “I didn’t know about nutrition, cooking, I had no surgery, took no pills. I was just your average girl who was fed up and wanted to change.”

No Knowledge Just Will

No Knowledge Just Will