Hilarious Yearbook Photos That Will Make You Feel Less Embarrassed About Yours

Published on 08/04/2019

SpongeBob SquarePants Lives On

At some point in the future, kids will have a hard time understanding this reference. We are sure we still have a long way to go before SpongeBob SquarePants becomes outdated, however! Even so, we cannot wait to look at yearbooks and remember cultural landmarks long past their prime.

SpongeBob SquarePants Lives On

SpongeBob SquarePants Lives On


Saving Him A Spot

Aww. Fine, this is not quite as hilarious as the others. In fact, it is less funny and more adorable! Rachel managed to convince the yearbook editor to save a spot for her guide dog. Taxi looks a bit worried in this photo, but we love him anyway!

Saving Him A Spot

Saving Him A Spot