Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

How Unhealthy Is Airplane Food?

Naturally, everyone has wondered about their pre-packaged in-flight meal and what the ratio of natural ingredients to processed parts is. Are they mostly natural or more like astronauts’ processed edible food? Apparently, in-flight meals have little to no nutritional value. They’re loaded up with sugar, salt, fat and simple carbs. If you’re a health nut or frequent flier, then we recommend bringing snacks or eating before!

How Unhealthy Is Airplane Food@

How Unhealthy Is Airplane Food?


The Truth On Air Marshals

Like the hilarious Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids, you won’t know where an air marshal keeps their gun. Actually, you probably won’t ever be able to tell who the air marshal even is on the flight! That is, if there even is one. Air marshals fly incognito for the most part. Ever since 9/11, their presence on flights has been strengthened. On American flights these law enforcement officials, meant to protect from terrorist and criminal activity, are not on every flight. However, in countries like Israel with their El Al airline, there must be an air marshal on each flight.

The Truth On Air Marshals

The Truth On Air Marshals