Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

The Real Reason Behind The Greeting

So, that initial greeting you receive upon boarding, there’s more to it than being a warm welcome. Actually, the crew is assessing their passengers. They want to see who may be helpful during an emergency and conversely, who could present a problem during the flight. Indeed, they note those who are physically fit versus disabled, intoxicated, can speak English, traveling alone or in a group.

The Real Reason Behind The Greeting

The Real Reason Behind The Greeting


How Sturdy Are Planes?

Wondering about the pre-check of an airplane before take off? Well, don’t worry, they have an extensive check list for each flight. Though, they do have some minor failures (that don’t affect safety provisions) that are permitted in order to prevent delays. As far as storms go, the plane is able to handle thunderstorms and can even get struck by lightning without enduring any damage. Naturally, pilots are fully aware of weather conditions before flying. Obviously, most of the turbulence-related injuries occur when people don’t wear their seat belt or if unsecured objects fly through the plane.

How Sturdy Are Planes@

How Sturdy Are Planes?