Hilarious Windshield Notes Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Out Loud

Published on 10/27/2017

If you’ve come to this article for a pick me up, boy are you in for a wild ride. The windshield notes you’re about to read in the next few pages will take you through an array of emotions, ranging from laughing until you cry to shaking your head in disbelief to wanting to copy the note A.S.A.P. whenever you find yourself in the same situation. Maybe even some others we haven’t thought of. Click through for all the proof you’ll ever need that people are literary geniuses in the windshield note world.

Rich Dude

Pretty sure the lady from building 8 has made herself clear, you need parking lessons. I mean, you can afford it or it just looks like you can. Either way, get to a class as quickly as possible. Think about her poorly little grandmother and do the right thing.

Learn To Park Rich Dude

Rich Dude


PBJ Anyone?

Uhh, to start, let’s excuse the fact that car insurance doesn’t cover a peanut butter and jelly incident. And move on to the fact that in the United States alone, approximately three million people suffer from some kind of peanut butter allergy. Basically, our fingers are crossed that the parker doesn’t fall into that statistic.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

PBJ Anyone?