The Ultimate Christmas Cookies To Make For The Holidays
As Christmas is right around the corner, it’s time to get into holiday baking, of course! It’s one of the best things to do this time of year. Naturally, this year specifically is especially a good time to stay in and make baking more fun for the whole family. While baking cookies is not exclusively a Christmas thing, there’s just something so special about baking cookies for the holidays. Maybe it’s the cold weather or the Christmas atmosphere that makes it feel different, we don’t know. Whatever it may be, there’s truly nothing like it. Whether you want to bake a warm batch of cookies for yourself, your family, friends, or even neighbors, this recipe will be the perfect one to make. Classic yet simple, these mouth-watering cookies will be a huge hit no matter who you serve them to. The best part? They’re so easy to make! You won’t need to spend an entire afternoon slaving away while trying to ice cookies expertly to make others happy. Another great thing about this particular recipe is that you can freeze the dough and bake it another time if you want to. You’ll have a quick way to bake delicious cookies in minutes whenever you might need to. All you’re going to need to bake this recipe is just one bowl, a whisk or hand-held mixer, and an ice cream scoop. That’s really it. Put your apron on, play some festive music, and enjoy the process! You’ll be more than satisfied with the end result, trust us.
What You’ll Need:
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1 cup of sugar
- 1/2 cup butter
- 1/2 cup oil
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 3 cups flour
- 1/2 cup sprinkles (or mini chocolate chips)
- 1 cup M&Ms
- (optional) mini marshmallows
How To:
- The first thing you want to do is preheat your oven to 350F (175C). Then, in a large bowl, cream the butter, oil, and sugars together. Make sure they’re well combined before adding in the eggs. Beat the mixture until it’s nice and fluffy.
- Next, add the baking soda, salt, baking powder, vanilla, and flour to the mix. Mix it all until completely combined.
- Fold the sprinkles or mini chocolate chips into the mixture carefully.
- Using an ice cream scoop (that you greased a little before), make the individual cookies. Place them on a greased cookie tray – leave some space in between each one since they expand while baking. Roughly 2″ of space in between the cookies should be enough. Top each cookie with 4-5 M&M’s.
- If you want to add a little extra something, top each cookie with a mini marshmallow or two to turn the cookies into s’mores cookies!
- Bake the cookies for 7-8 minutes. Allow them to cool slightly before transferring them to a cooling rack. Serve and enjoy! They’re best while still slightly warm and gooey from the oven.
- Bonus: to really feel festive, make some hot chocolate to drink along with the cookies. Get a small saucepan and put in 2 cups of whole milk with 2.5 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa and 2.5 tbsp of sugar. Heat it over medium-low heat while whisking it. Once it’s warm – not boiling – add some chocolate chips and keep whisking until the chocolate chips have melted. Add 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract and whisk. Pour into mugs and serve!