Yes, you might be able to drive your car. You may not have read the owner’s handbook for your automobile, but you know how to operate the wipers, air conditioning, radio, and danger lights! Hopefully, you can also change the tires on your car. What you don’t seem to grasp is that all you need are five basic yet life-changing automobile hacks that you won’t find in any car manual. We’ve covered everything from tiny irritations to significant annoyances, and you can rest assured that these suggestions will make your life easier. See if you’ve already completed any of the tasks on this list.

Try These Amazing Car Hacks Before It’s Too Late
Fixing A Dent With Hot Water & A Plunge
Do you have a ding on the side of your car? Don’t be concerned! We’ve got your back! Dents are fairly frequent, and contrary to popular belief, they are relatively simple to repair. All you have to do is boil some water in a teapot or saucepan, pour it over the dent, then pull the plunger. If the car’s body isn’t badly damaged, the dent should pop right out; it won’t look as good as it did before, but it will be less noticeable.

Fixing A Dent With Hot Water & A Plunge
Dirty Headlights And Toothpaste
Don’t run to the nearest auto store for a particular solution if your headlights are cloudy! You might already have a solution to your problem at home. Because toothpaste contains mild abrasives that clean enamel, it turns out that it works just as well on headlights as it does on teeth. With a little toothpaste and elbow grease, your headlights may be as clear as day again! (As a side note, this might not always work.) If the inside is yellowing, you may want to consider replacing it.)

Dirty Headlights And Toothpaste
Opening Your Keyring With A Staple Remover
You don’t have to break your fingers attempting to get a new set of keys onto your cumbersome metal keyring. Simply separate the end pieces with a staple remover and slide them in! It’s so straightforward that we’re sure you’re wondering why you’ve never thought of it before.

Opening Your Keyring With A Staple Remover