Put A Shower Caddy In The Trunk
If you’re the kind to plan ahead, you undoubtedly have oil, a funnel, a rag, a flashlight, and other emergency car supplies in your trunk. Consider investing in a shower caddy to keep all of your key belongings organized and out of the way when you need them — and to keep everything else in the trunk clean.

Put A Shower Caddy In The Trunk
Use Pool Noodles To Prevent Car Dings
When you get out of your garage, do you frequently hit the door on the side of your garage? Cutting a pool noodle in half and taping it to the wall where the door swings open is a simple solution (the scuff marks should make it easy enough to tell). Bolts or simple command strips can be used to secure it, but either way, your car, and wall will be protected!

Use Pool Noodles To Prevent Car Dings
Need A Trash Bin? Use Cereal Bins
We dump rubbish in our cars without thinking about it, but did you realize that the odors from that trash may remain inside your car for a long time if you’re not careful? If you get a garbage container, you won’t have that problem. One of those small cereal-holding plastic containers is all you’ll need. To make a small and easily shut trash can that keeps your car clean and odor-free, simply line it with a plastic bag.

Need A Trash Bin? Use Cereal Bins
Reduce Glare With A Tinted Plastic Sheet
We’ve all been there: you’ve forgotten your sunglasses, the sun is setting, and you’re traveling west. Your visor won’t be able to shield you at this angle, but there is something that can! A simple tinted plastic sheet will attach to your car window with static and can be moved about as needed, guaranteeing that you never have to deal with the sun again!

Reduce Glare With A Tinted Plastic Sheet