Lessen Frost By Parking Your Car Facing East
This may look to be a crazy witchy trick, but it’s actually fairly straightforward and rational. The sun’s rays will defrost your front windscreen first if you park your car facing the sun in the morning. If you leave for work when the sun rises, you’ll never have to wait for the defroster to warm up again!

Lessen Frost By Parking Your Car Facing East
Extend Your Key’s Range By Holding Them To Your Head
We know it seems crazy, but it really works! Place your keys beneath your chin and press the button again if your keys don’t have much range; the fluids in your head will change the signal’s range slightly. Try it out for yourself if you don’t believe us!

Extend Your Key’s Range By Holding Them To Your Head
Long Ride With A Messy Kid? MagnaDoodle Got You Covered
There are two apparent concerns when taking a lengthy vehicle journey with a young child: they are messy and easily bored. Thankfully, having a MagnaDoodle in your toy collection can assist with both of these problems. For starters, they’re one of the most entertaining toys because kids can sketch and redraw without running out of (or dropping) materials. You may not realize it, but they may also be utilized as a tray table for youngsters to eat meals from without crumbs and spills all over the place.

Long Ride With A Messy Kid? MagnaDoodle Got You Covered
Clean Your Wheels With Coke
You’ve probably heard the term “use Coke to clean this” a million times, but a mixture of cola and dish detergent will clean your rims and leave them sparkling. Some people worry that the baking soda will just make things stickier, but the detergent you use prevents this.

Clean Your Wheels With Coke