Live Long and Prosper: Catch Up With The Cast of ‘Star Trek’

Published on 11/02/2017

Yeoman Martha Landon – Celeste Yarnall

Remember the gorgeous Celeste Yarnall? On the show, she portrayed a 23rd century Starfleet operations division security officer, who worked for Captain Kirk no less. Yarnall started off with a successful television career before branching out to film.

Yeoman Martha Landon – Celeste Yarnall

Yeoman Martha Landon – Celeste Yarnall


Pavel Chekov – Walter Koenig

Get this – Koenig was only one of two actors who auditioned for the role of Pavel Chekov! Moreover, he was actually chosen almost immediately because he resembles the British actor/musician Davy Jones of the Monkees. This resemblance was crucial to the show’s creators as they wanted to appeal to a younger audience, and well, it worked. Since then, Koenig’s career in film, stage, and TV roles blossomed and spans over 50 years.

Walter Koenig Pavel Chekov

Walter Koenig – Pavel Chekov