Meghan Markle
American actress Meghan Markle finally made it big after starring in the popular TV series, Suits. She became even more popular in 2018 when news broke that she was dating Prince Harry of the British Royal family. The two wed in 2018 and Meghan is now the Duchess of Sussex.

Meghan Markle
Hedy Lamarr
Hedy Lamarr is one very fascinating lady. She was iconic for being the first to show female orgasm on the silver screen, but that is not the only thing she did. When the Second World War started, she began working on the technique called “frequency hopping.” It was used to address radio signal jamming which made it difficult for submarines to control torpedoes. When she got the technique patented, it couldn’t be used for a while but it helped with the creations of both military and civilian devices.

Hedy Lamarr