Drought Refugee From Missouri Waiting For Orange-Picking In California
The Dust Bowl had Americans running to the Pacific Coast to look for seasonal jobs after the devastation of their homes. These hardworking Americans were thought to be intruders who planned to leech off the government. California had been looking for crop hands at the time, but they were not welcomed by the residents. This happened during the Great Depression, so everyone was down on their luck. Many immigrants had been poor, but the lucky ones landed jobs picking veggies and fruits for little pay.

Drought Refugee From Missouri Waiting For Orange Picking In California
Dutch Resistance Fighters On The Streets Of Breda After Its Liberation
The world was shocked when Germany invaded Europe at the beginning of the Second World War. The Nazis moved far more quickly and more brutally than anyone thought they would. Resistance fighters from different parts of the continent banded together to help liberate their countries. The Dutch resistance worked with allies by offering counterintelligence, communications, and domestic sabotage. In 1944, the south was liberated. However, it took eight more months to liberate the north.

Dutch Resistance Fighters On The Streets Of Breda After Its Liberation