These Colorized Black And White Photos Will Show You How Far Mankind Has Come

Published on 10/21/2020

King Ferdinand and Queen Marie of Romania In Dover, England

Marie of Romania was born in Edinburgh in 1875. In 1892, she got married to Crown Prince Ferdinand and became an Eastern European monarch. According to researchers, Ferdinand chose to ally with the English instead of Germany thanks to her. After spending over two decades in Romania, they went to Western Europe on a diplomatic tour in 1924. They went to Belgium, Switzerland, France, and the United Kingdom. “Apart from the common aims, which we pursue, there are other and dear ties between us. Her Majesty the Queen, my dear cousin, is British born,” King George V said about them.

King Ferdinand And Queen Marie Of Romania In Dover, England

King Ferdinand And Queen Marie Of Romania In Dover, England


Martin Luther King Jr. On Non-Violence

In the ‘50s and ‘60s, Martin Luther King Jr. was a leading figure in the Civil Rights Movement. He gave amazing speeches that demanded the end of segregation. Half a year after the March on Washington, he talked to a novelist called Robert Penn Warren about non-violence. “I think [violence and hatred] will end up creating many more social problems than they solve, and I’m thinking of a very strong love. I’m not, I’m thinking, I’m thinking of love in action and not something where you say, ‘Love your enemies,’ and just leave it at that, but you love your enemies to the point that you’re willing to sit-in at a lunch counter in order to help them find themselves. You’re willing to go to jail,” King told him.

Martin Luther King Jr. On Non Violence

Martin Luther King Jr. On Non Violence