John F. Kennedy And His Brother Robert F. Kennedy At The Democratic National Convention
Many people would say that the most significant Democrat National Conventional took place in July 1960. Senator John F. Kennedy earned the Democratic nomination with the help of his brother as his campaign manager. He earned the spot with his fiery attitude. This photo shows JFK telling Robert about his VP pick. Photographer John Loengard said, “I was doing a story on Bobby Kennedy. The morning after Jack was nominated, we went up to his room. The brothers talked very quietly, and Jack told Bobby he wasn’t going to choose [labor union leader] Walter Reuther for Vice President… I waited outside for Bobby to come out. When he did, he was furious. We were walking back down the stairs, and Bobby was hitting his hand like this, saying ‘Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.’ You know, he really hated [Lyndon] Johnson.”

John F. Kennedy And His Brother Robert F. Kennedy At The Democratic National Convention
Princess Elizabeth Wanted To Help With The War Effort
At the height of the Second World War, everyone wanted to help with the war effort. Princess Elizabeth was not an exception to the rule! She pestered her father, the King, to allow her to help. When she turned 18 years old, she got permission to train as a truck driver and mechanic as a part of the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service. Now the Queen, it is neat to think that she wanted to do her part back then!

Princess Elizabeth Wanted To Help With The War Effort