Rosa Parks And Martin Luther King Jr. In Montgomery, Alabama
As a seamstress at a department store in Alabama, Rosa Parks got on a bus on the 1st of December 1955. As white passengers flooded the bus, she was asked to go to the back. She remained in her seat and got arrested for nothing more than being black. Her arrest resulted in a 13-month-long boycott of the city buses. This was one of the first and biggest acts of black activism back then. This did not only boost the Civil Rights movement, but it also shone the spotlight on Martin Luther King Jr.

Rosa Parks And Martin Luther King Jr. In Montgomery, Alabama
Isambard Kingdom Brunel Was “One Of The Most Prolific Figures In engineering History”
The man in the photo is Isambard Kingdom Brunel. This engineer devised the Great Western Railway, which is a series of tunnels, viaducts, and bridges running across the West Midlands and England. He did not only create a web-like railway, but he also designed tunnels, bridges, and ships meant to service the transatlantic. On top of that, he designed a ship called the Great Britain, which was the first iron-hulled passenger liner powered by a screw propeller and steam. He redesigned and built many major docks in Great Britain as well! He continued to work until he died on September 15, 1859.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel Was “One Of The Most Prolific Figures In Engineering History”