Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba is stunning. How does she do it? With the help of celeb health and wellness consultant, Leveque, Jessica follows an interesting diet. It is a “lifestyle diet” and part it is simply being educated about how to approach food in a healthy way. There is no calorie counting, and the diet encourages Jessica to eat food that feels good to eat. If you notice eating something energizes you and causes you to feel better, you should eat it. The point of the diet is to love yourself through food and eat for happiness. So what exactly does Jessica eat? She usually starts the day with a green smoothie that includes protein powder, chia seeds, spinach and nut milk. In general, Jessica tries to have protein, fat, fiber, and leafy greens in every meal. She avoids soy and loves to snack on guacamole because it is so rich in healthy fats. Lunch and dinner usually consists of lean protein, and vegetables. She aims to work out four times a week, and usually in the mornings. She loves yoga and spinning.

Jessica Alba
Jessica Biel
Jessica Biel is known for being muscular and fit. She surprisingly doesn’t follow any particular diet but eats in a manner that she thinks is kind to her digestive system. She avoids gluten, wheat and dairy. A typical day of eating includes paleo pancakes for breakfast with nut butter, a veggie burger with a salad for lunch, and fish or some other lean meat with vegetables for dinner. She works with famous celebrity trainer, Jason Walsh, who has her combining walking lunges, sprinting, cardio workouts and yoga.

Jessica Biel