After Draining A 200-Year-Old Parisian Canal, They Were Shocked By What The Water Revealed

Published on 03/05/2021

How Much It Cost Them

Work started on the huge task of draining the canal. It was going to take a total of three months to remove around 3 million cubic feet of water. The city had to shell out more than $10 million for this, but it was important. The crowd was eager to see what had been hiding in the canal the entire time…

How Much It Cost Them

How Much It Cost Them


People Gathered To Look

On January 7, they had drained the remaining water out of the canal. The secrets of the waterway were finally coming to light after 15 years. People from all walks of life made their way to the bridges. They wanted to take a good look at what the authorities had unearthed. Everyone was dying of curiosity.

People Gathered To Look

People Gathered To Look