After Draining A 200-Year-Old Parisian Canal, They Were Shocked By What The Water Revealed

Published on 03/05/2021

How They Must Have Gotten There

“It’s like some weird submarine treasure,” Marc, a witness, shared with The Guardian. He added, “I can’t believe the quantity of Vélibs in there. I guess they were stolen and thrown in afterward. It’s bizarre.” On top of that, bicycles were not the only weird things that made their way to their bottom.

How They Must Have Gotten There

How They Must Have Gotten There


Paris Is Filthy

“That’s Paris for you,” an onlooker called Bernard said. “It’s filthy.” Apparently, it only got worse in recent years. He was also there when they first drained it. “The last time, I don’t remember seeing so much rubbish in it,” he shared. “I despair. The youth are using it as a dustbin.”

Paris Is Filthy

Paris Is Filthy