Winds Of Change
As if the call to the stars wasn’t enough for them, a storm blew good fortune their way. Catherine recalls how the floating home dream came to them… literally. “A storm, while we were staying there, actually blew in wood that started the building of the house. We gathered it up and took it to the fellow we were sure it belonged to, and he said, ‘You gathered it up; it’s yours.’ So on the beach by this cabin, Wayne started the building of the house and built it to the point that we could move into it – so that took him about three months.”

Winds Of Change
Financial Crisis
Originally, Wayne only wanted to build a studio for the two of them to create their art. However, the cost of living in Tofino went up, causing the couple to decided between leaving town or creating their own place to call home. Most couples would have struggled with this difficult crossroads, but for Catherine and Wayne it was a challenge they had been waiting for their whole lives.

Financial Crisis