Making A Bold Decision
Despite the difficulties they were about to face, together they knew they could do it. Catherine fondly remembers, “Both Wayne and I, once we decided this is what we wanted to do, we just did it, we really didn’t think about the hardships; we just did it.” But there would be some issues still to deal with.

Making A Bold Decision
Withdrawal Symptoms
All of us probably couldn’t go half a day without our cellphones. For Catherine and Wayne it proved to be difficult at first to let go off of what they had. Catherine shares, “You go through what I call a deceleration process, when you make the move out – and what I mean by that is go through a certain type of withdrawal from the things that you have at your access when you live even in a small town – being able to go to the corner store, being able to have things instantly. So it took a few months to go through that.”

Withdrawal Symptoms