Leave This In The Toilet To Save Water
Are you looking for ways to turn your household into an eco-friendly environment? If you said no, we urge you to do so. Have you not heard of climate change?! You can help conserve water by reducing the water needed to flush after you use the toilet. You can do so by putting a jar full of water or a brick at the back of the toilet. After you hit flush, less water will be needed in there as the brick takes up space.

Leave This In The Toilet To Save Water
Use The Dishwasher To Clean The Vents
You might be convinced that your home is spotless, but perhaps you only think this because you have not thought of the A/C vents in a while! This is one place that rarely gets the treatment it deserves, so do not be surprised to find lots of dust in there. It is terrible for your lungs as well, so this tip is going to be useful. You can efficiently and quickly clean this up by dropping the vents in your dishwasher for a deep cleaning. After that, just blow dry the water using the cool setting before putting it back in.

Use The Dishwasher To Clean The Vents