A Wine Cork Can Be A Great Chip Clip
Did you just decide you can no longer have money more of those nuts or chips? You were planning to seal them up but could not find a single clip anywhere in the kitchen. You would not have needed to spend so much time searching for one if you converted a wine cork into a makeshift clip. All you have to do is slice it halfway up an end and then slide the slit over the folded bag of whatever snack you ate.

A Wine Cork Can Be A Great Chip Clip
Use Magazine Holders To Hold Up Water Bottles
Do you have a seemingly infinite water bottle supply in your home? It is more common than you might think. If you have somehow managed to accumulate endless water bottles, you must be looking for something to do with them. If you are not willing to get rid of them but want to save kitchen space, you can always try keeping them on the side with some magazine holders. Say hello to an organized kitchen!

Use Magazine Holders To Hold Up Water Bottles