The French Connection
One fact that is known is when Sally was 14 she went with Jefferson’s youngest daughter, Mary, to London and Paris. Jefferson later served as the U.S. envoy to France and is well known for having a good relationship with many French diplomats. When Sally was in France, her life changed forever. Something happened that motivated her return to the USA where she would again be a slave.

The French Connection
What Happens in Paris, Doesn’t Stay in Paris
Martha Jefferson, Thomas’s third cousin and beloved wife, suffered from many health problems. She had diabetes and other health issues from frequent childbirth. She died in 1782 at the age of 33 with Jefferson at her side. She made Jefferson promise to never marry again, and Jefferson was very depressed and impacted by her death. It is believed by most historians that after her death, Jefferson began an intimate relationship with Sally Hemings. She became pregnant when she was 16 and returned to the USA in 1789. She had six more children after she returned from Europe, and many speculated they were Jefferson’s due to their appearance.

What Happens In Paris Doesn’t Stay In Paris