Unproven Allegations
The first time the relationship was written about was 20 years later, in 1802. One of Jefferson’s political opponents published the report which was later called the “Jefferson- Hemings controversy.” Jefferson didn’t list the father of Hemings’ children in his written accounts, and his family publicly denied that he was the father. When Hemings’ children became adults, Jefferson freed most of them, continuing to fuel rumors he was the father.

Unproven Allegations
After 150 Years of Uncertainty…
Jefferson’s family denied he was the father for about 150 years. There was a DNA test conducted in 1998 that finally shed more light on the situation. The test revealed there was indeed a link between Jefferson and Hemings. The test proved Jefferson fathered at least one, and potentially all of Hemings’ kids. The DNA test showed a match between Jefferson and Eston Hemings, who was Sally’s youngest son.

After 150 Years Of Uncertainty…