Setting Their Goals
If they were set on meeting their goals, they had to raise a lot of funds for their charity to successfully help those who have the same condition as Mia. This is exactly the reason why Jase decided to get rid of his beard. The said pledge would not only be beneficial to the charity but also to Jase’s wife, Missy, who hasn’t seen him without a beard for seven years! He committed to shaving his beard off if they managed to raise a hundred thousand dollars. However, Jase was still not confident that they could raise the said amount.

Setting Their Goals
Beardless Robertson Brother
Although most of the Roberston men had beards, Al, their eldest brother didn’t really follow such tradition. He was seen clean-shaven when the show was televised. Jase himself trimmed his brief a few times in the past, usually in between filming, so he could grow his beard out in front of the cameras. However, he hasn’t sported the clean-shaven look for seven years.

Beardless Robertson Brother