Making A Point
Clare wanted to clarify events from the night, “When the lady kicked me out, they said the dads had complained about my dancing and that meant that they had to have been watching me.” Since Clare was older and had a more developed body, she felt that she was targeted.

Making A Point
“This is a message to girls built like me, who can’t find jeans that fit!” Clare wrote, “The girls with long legs, who are forced to prove that their dresses fit the dress code, just because they have more leg showing than most girls.”
Making Her Point
“This is a message to the women who understand that sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you pin a dress, you’re still going to have cleavage show when you bend over,” Clare explained.

Making Her Point
“Enough with the slut-shaming,” Clare continued. “I’m not responsible for some perverted 45 years old dad lusting after me because I have a sparkly dress on. And if you think I am, then maybe you’re part of the problem.”