Not Seeing Eye To Eye
Clare was boiling inside but she fought herself to keep her calm. She tried to explain to Mrs. Duncan that aside from her dress being appropriate, she hadn’t even danced yet. There was nothing she could have done that would have gotten her in trouble.

Not Seeing Eye To Eye
She said, “I never signed any documentation agreeing to adhere to any sort of dress code, and the dress code that was verbally communicated to me was followed to the letter.” When Clare’s friends came to her aid, the teacher quickly told them not to intervene. Clare’s boyfriend decided it was time to take action.
Getting Refunds
James told the administrators, “That’s fine, she wasn’t doing anything wrong but if you’re kicking her out then the group that she came with is leaving too and you’ll need to refund all of our tickets.” The rest of Clare’s friends were also ready to leave at that point and demanded their $25 refund too.

Getting Refunds
But Clare wasn’t pleased with a refund, she felt humiliated and victimized. So, she decided to take action in the only way she could. She didn’t want to let this pass silently. She had to say something about it.