Malayan Snake
Malayan Snake, or the Blue Krait, is located throughout parts of Southeast Asia and Indonesia. Makes the thought of a cheap flight to the area seem less appealing. Moreover, half of the bite factor from a Malayan Snake is fatal, unless of course you receive the antivenin. Additionally, their venom is 16 times more toxic(!) than the Cobra, so there’s that.

Malayan Snake
Dubois’ Seasnake
Locations like Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia and the northern, eastern and western coastal areas of Australia are where you’ll find the Dubois’ Seasnake. Doesn’t leave much room for a cheap ticket or hotel reservations in the area, now does it? Moreover, the Dubois’ Seasnake is one of the most venomous sea snakes, and ranks as one of the top three most venomous snakes in the entire world. Great.

Dubois Sea Snake