Many Banded Krait
Commonly referred to as the Taiwanese Krait or the Chinese Krait, the Many Banded Krait is an extremely venomous species located in central and southern China and in Southeast Asia. Yup, we’d leave that cheap ticket behind. Furthermore, the mortality rate if bitten ranges between 25 to 35% or 70 to 100%. Either way, not good!

Many Banded Krait
Burrowing Asp
Cue the “whomp-whomp-whomp” as the terrifying Burrowing Asp ranks high as very dangerous, especially when around small children. Why? The Burrowing Asp hides underground, like in sand pits or underneath slides. Furthermore, their protruding fangs are so poisonous and all the fangs need to do is to get in contact with your skin. They don’t even need to bite you to cause serious harm or death.

Burrowing Asp