Find Out The Heartbreaking Significance Of The Purple Butterfly Stickers That You See In Hospitals

Published on 07/30/2020

Helping Other People

This is something that Smith knows on a personal level. She hopes that the project and the foundation can help people dealing with grief in the face of bereavement. The mother went on to explain, “People don’t talk about a loss of a baby – they feel awkward. Even some nurses don’t know what to say.”

Helping Other People

Helping Other People


Spreading Abroad Too

The butterflies continued to appear in hospitals all over the globe. Smith took pride that her work has raised awareness about this issue. “The thing I am most proud of is that it has got people talking about it. I want to support families, the butterfly idea and anything else that can make a difference,” she said.

Spreading Abroad Too

Spreading Abroad Too