Find Out The Heartbreaking Significance Of The Purple Butterfly Stickers That You See In Hospitals

Published on 07/30/2020

Another Important Symbol

In reality, the purple butterfly is most certainly not the only symbol that people have been putting to good use. If you ever see someone wearing a very eye-catching adornment in public, you should know that it is not only for show. Do you know what the flower on the accessory really means? Let us find out!

Another Important Symbol

Another Important Symbol


The Sunflower Lanyard

Imagine that you are waiting on the train platform, queuing up at the grocery, or going through airport security. All of a sudden, you spot a person wearing a sunflower lanyard around their neck. It turns out that anyone who does this has an important reason for sporting this piece of garment. What could it be?

The Sunflower Lanyard

The Sunflower Lanyard