Find Out The Heartbreaking Significance Of The Purple Butterfly Stickers That You See In Hospitals

Published on 07/30/2020

Using It Elsewhere

Like we have said in the past, the United Kingdom has used the sunflower lanyard system in other places as well. Two years after Gatwick Airport started to use this system, the rail system adopted the same program too. There are hospitals and national supermarkets that have employed the useful plan as well.

Using It Elsewhere

Using It Elsewhere


Other Places

In 2019, shopping centers, sports venues, insurance companies, and banks have decided to follow suit. The organization that makes the sunflower lanyard also launched a website that would allow people to buy their own lanyards. The Facebook page has gathered 25,000 fans in only a matter of days! This was how they began to draw more attention not only within the country but also across the globe.

Other Places

Other Places