Find Out The Heartbreaking Significance Of The Purple Butterfly Stickers That You See In Hospitals

Published on 07/30/2020

Expecting Twins

The purple butterfly project started in November 2015. That was around the time that Mille Smith found out that there was a bun in the oven. She felt sure that she was carrying twins even though the doctor had not confirmed it. The family had a history of multiple births, which means that it was a possibility.

Expecting Twins

Expecting Twins


The Confirmation

When she was ten weeks pregnant, Millie Smith and Lewis Cann, her partner learned that they were right about their suspicion. This would mean that they would become parents to a pair of twins soon! They learned that they were getting identical girls. Unfortunately, tragedy struck when they visited the doctor for a checkup a few weeks later. The ultrasound results revealed bad news for the couple.

The Confirmation

The Confirmation