As one of the heartiest members of the cabbage family, this leafy green is also bursting with nutrients that can help maintain your cardiovascular system and even prevent heart disease. Although kale is sometimes a little harder to source, the health benefits make it well worth it. Kale is actually one of the most heart-boosting vegetables, loaded with antioxidants, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. We should also tell you that it’s low in fat and calories, which is why we’re already obsessed with adding it to every meal!

While garlic might be known as a natural repellent for vampires, it can also double as a heart-boosting superfood. As a staple addition to most cooking recipes, garlic can help lower the plaque level in your arteries and reduce blood pressure. Garlic can also reduce the enzymes which can constrict your blood vessels. If consumed in pill-form, studies also show that garlic can reduce the plaque build-up in arteries by up to 50%.
