Red Wine
As the perfect way to help relax and unwind after a long day or the perfect accompaniment to your fave dish, the occasional glass of red wine could help chase the doctor away. Actually, according to some experts, drinking red wine in moderation can actually help boost your HDL levels and prevent a build up of cholesterol. Red wine also contains anti-oxidants which can prevent coronary heart disease and can help reduce blood clots by ensuring your blood vessels stay flexible. Well if the experts say so…

Red Wine
Good news for chocoholics! The sweet treat can not only give you an instant happy fix, it can also help reduce your risk of heart disease and strokes! One study from Harvard found that people who consumed regular amounts of raw cocoa had lower blood pressure and no signs of hyper tension. Since dark chocolate is naturally rich in antioxidants known as flavnols, eating it in moderation can help boost blood vessel flexibility, lower your blood pressure, and ultimately prevent heart-related diseases.
