We can’t believe she is 57! She looks great! Madonna is trained by Craig Smith, who is also the creative director of her Hard Candy Fitness clubs. Her cardio focuses on fun and much of it is dance based. She works out at least 30 minutes a day, six days a week. Her workouts are different everyday. She does circuit training, interval training and resistance training. She loves barre training, boxing, and yoga. How about her diet? She loves variety with her diet too. She loves organic cold-pressed juices, salads, and meals with tons of fruits and veggies. We can also hope we look half as good at her age!

Megan Fox
Megan Fox follows The Paleo Diet to keep in shape. If you are unfamiliar, the diet focuses on eliminating processed foods and eating foods like meat, poultry, fish, herbs, vegetables, nuts and seeds. It is high-protein, low-carb and low sugar. Fox has stated she feels much more energetic after following the diet. She works out with her trainer 3 times a week at her home and also does Pilates, cardio and spinning classes.

Megan Fox