Missy Elliot
Missy Elliot is looking drop dead gorgeous lately. She accredits the first 30 pounds of her weight loss to Shaun T’s “Insanity” workout DVDs. It recommends exercising 25 minutes a day and focusing on interval training. Elliot started to get in shape after she was diagnosed with Graves’ disease in 2008. For dieting, she follows a low carb regimen. Before her diet she indulged in fried foods, sugars and breads. She put her health first and days she feels better than she ever has in her life.

Missy Elliot
Janet Jackson
Janet Jackson quickly put on about 60 pounds back in 2010. She lost the weight by following the Nutrisystem program. She also works out six days a week by running and working out with a personal trainer. Janet says part of her problem was emotional eating due to stress and depression. She learned to substitute other activities instead of turning to food. She also tries to not starve herself and enjoy everything in moderation.

Janet Jackson