Jonah Hill
Jonah Hill lost an incredible amount of weight. After consulting with close friend, Channing Tatum, Hill realized it would be a great idea to get into shape. He stated there is no huge secret to his success; he simply ate less and exercised more. He accredits giving up beer as a big reason he was able to loose so many pounds.

Jonah Hill
Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman is known for his incredible physique. He eats 6-7 meals a day. He tries his best to eat a ton of protein from unprocessed sources, and drinks a lot of water. He recently began following The 8- Hour Diet which is an intermittent fating plan. You have an eating window of 8 hours, followed by 16-hours of fasting which burns fat. Jackman said he feels so good on it he might do it forever.

Hugh Jackman