Jennifer Aniston
Jenn accredits The Zone Diet and over 10 years of yoga for her awesome physique.The Zone Diet mandates your total caloric intake in a certain ratio which balances carbs and protein. The diet recommends eating five times a day. She usually wakes up and has a glass of warm lemon water with her breakfast. She tries to add a little extra protein whenever she can. For lunch and dinner, she has vegetables or salad with protein. She snacks on apples and almond butter when she needs to. Keep it up, Jenn! You look amazing!

Jennifer Aniston
Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman is 50, but sure doesn’t look it! She follows the Eight-Hour Diet which has been growing in popularity in Hollywood. The program mandates eating in a window of only eight hours per day and fasting for the other 16 hours so the body goes into fat burning mode. She eats a lot of lean protein, and believes in eating a little bit of everything in moderation. In terms of exercise, she loves swimming, doing sit-ups and also jogging. Her father was actually a marathon runner.

Nicole Kidman